Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Baking Pictures

So this is the first cake I ever made. It was the first year that Leo and I were dating and I wanted to do something different. My sister had gotten me a baking cookbook for the previous Christmas and I was itching to try it out. Leo loves sodas...mainly Cherry cola, but this cookbook had a recipe for a Root Beer cake. Intriguing, why, yes it was!

This was a proper cake made with cocoa and actual root beer. The bundt pan proved a little difficult as I didn't have one, but for once I was not let down by Canadian Tire. I had very limited time to make as Leo had a meeting and then we were going to meet up.

This was made in two locations, I made the cake at my place in my VERY small kitchen not exactly designed for most cooking endeavors. I made the frosting/icing at my parents as they have a hand beater. Frosting is a combination of icing sugar, root beer and cocoa.

It was good, I even brought into the theatre so that our co-workers and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

Yay! Cake!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

So I promised a picture.

I should trust myself more often. I couldn't find a springform pan so I used a glass pan. bought too much cream cheese and too many blueberries, that's at all possible. So I have those sitting the fridge. But this turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.

The lemon in the cake was not overpowering which is good because the blueberries have such a distinct taste.

One thing though I think I could have done without the blueberry jam glaze (or attempt at such). In the end I think detracts from the whole.

Oh well, it was a good birthday present for Leo. And look I made a cheesecake for the first time EVER!