The April 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Evelyne of the blog
Cheap Ethnic Eatz. Evelyne chose to challenge everyone to make a maple mousse in an edible
container. Prizes are being awarded to the most creative edible container and filling, so vote on your
favorite from April 27th to May 27th at!
It was nice to have the option of making an edible container out of bacon and nuts. Not entirely helpful for me as I have irrational dislike of nuts and I don't like eating too much bacon. What does that say about my Canadian-ness? So I was stumped for an edible container. I didn't want to make something sweet with the maple mousse. I don't know where the thought of a shortbread came from but it's not sweet enough to over power the mousse. My original plan was to dip the edges with chocolate and salt. It worked in my head, but I forgot that shortbread tends to do funny things when baked. So I didn't get to dip them, but instead I filled the shortbread cups with the mousse, chopped up some chocolate and sprinkled some coarse sea salt. It was easy and ended up being delicious. :o)