The February 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Mallory from A Sofa in the Kitchen. She chose to challenge everyone to make Panna Cotta from a Giada De Laurentiis recipe and Nestle Florentine Cookies.
I had never made Panna Cotta, but it was surprisingly easy. I loved it. I made a vanilla panna cotta with a raspberry gelee. It was nice and sweet and smooth. I think I liked it without the Florentine cookies, which I made about 5 days later *blush*
WHAT!? I had a lot going on. I was busy getting ready for the Kiwanis Music festival and I had an anniversary. Even though this month the challenge was easy in comparison to the past few months. It was nice, that I could do this challenge when it was busy for me. I'm hoping that the next few months I will have the time as after Friday I only have to look to my exam and that's it. yay.
Hey I'm passing onto you the Versatile Blogger Award. Enjoy!